Lake Algonquin
Wells, NY
Winter Driving Schools 2016 – Most Current Information
Planning a Winter Driving School is tricky business. Securing a location often requires obtaining approval of munipalities, private land owners, and lake associations. Clearing and maintaining a course requires coordinating with AMEC or another ice racing enity or partner. And if you can clear those first two hurtles, all you have to do is ensure freezing tempuratures to produce a slick, safe surface. Far from easy but, as WDS veterans will attest, soooo worth it.
The NEQ has “scheduled” several schools for 2016, and while we have been pretty successful with securing locations and course support, control over the weather continues to elude us, particularly in this El Nino year.
This article contains the very latest in Winter Driving School info, and will be updated as circumstances change. If you are interested in attending a school this winter, check back here periodically. As always, the best advice is to keep your schedules as flexible as possible, and to sign up as soon as the events open. Because we are so weather dependent, it is not possible to provide a lot of lead time: event registrations tend to open very shortly before the events. The NEQ will made reasonable efforts to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance at attending each event.
January 18, 2016 update from Dave Klock, your eventmaster: “We have been communicating with our AMEC partners and ice is building on the lakes but not ready for vehicles just yet. The ice checkers believe that it will be ready by the end of January so our plan will be to stick with our originally proposed schedule and shoot for Saturday February 6 and Saturday February 20 to hold our traditional one day winter schools. To avoid relationship stress we will try our best to avoid Valentine’s Day weekend.
Each school will be run as a separate event so if the first is does not happen we will make every effort to reschedule but will not infringe on the second school on the 20th. Of course winter events are totally dependent on the weather and ice conditions so all this planning can change.
We will open the events on MotorsportReg later this week and send out emails to membership and previous attendees. Remember, we charge credit cards after the event occurred and you were actually there. (late cancelation fees apply if you cancel last minute though).
We have some new things planned including expanded exercises in the morning (space permitting) and improved classroom sessions so tell your friends. Look for the events open on MotorSportReg, sign up for one or both events and stay tuned for updates. Everyone who registers initially will be put on the wait list and if the event oversells admission will be by lottery so there is no need to register the second the event opens. We will close registration in time to notify those who get in so you can make travel plans etc. We do not know locations yet but events will be held at the usual lakes in the southern Adirondacks which may include Caroga Lake, Lake Algonquin, Warner’s Lake and others.
We look forward to a successful Winter Driving season even with a late start. Feel free to contact me with questions or input. And remember we welcome friends and family members to come along and observe and if they would like to volunteer during the event that would be appreciated too.”