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September 29, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Ulster County Fairgrounds
249 Libertyville Rd
New Paltz, NY 12561
249 Libertyville Rd
New Paltz, NY 12561
New Date Saturday, September 29 and rain date 30, 12-6 pm at the Ulster County Fairgrounds
A Fall show at the Ulster County fairgrounds!!! We are super excited and hope everyone loves the NEW Show dates as much as we do.
Updates to come! Check back to see our artisan vendors for the show! As we receive car applications we will post photos of the cars too.
For an application for your business or if you are an artisan/crafter please go to the Cars and Crafts page on Facebook and send it in! Craft categories are filling up.
Invite everyone you know! All ages and interests will have a great day.