21 Bridge St S
Fonda, NY 12068
This will start at 12:00 pm. on July, 28th, 2018. At Fonda Speedway. We will be having vintage cars on display from noon til 3:30 for fans to see. The entertainment building will be open for food and seating along with restrooms. Then we will be loading up to go pitside for some competitive racing on the 1/2 mile famed oval. Show will be open to all vintage clubs and series. Open to your club rules along with MVVDMS. Also on tap drivers will be given a few slow laps for THOSE who do not want to race but show off their fine machines on the track. Come one, come all and enjoy a great time and meet your vintage family and of course!! Have some great side by side racing and show the fans what vintage racing is all about.???? … “ALL ARE WELCOME TO COME AND ENJOY THE VINTAGE ROYAL ALONG THE MOHAWK”