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July 21, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Collins Center Town Park
School St & Collins Center Zoar Rd
Collins, NY 14034
School St & Collins Center Zoar Rd
Collins, NY 14034
Collins Center Regional Historical Society is once again promoting our education through entertainment program by hosting the 6th Annual Car Show & Picnic. This event also supports our efforts towards community; although more recently our community (of classic car lovers) has expanded to include those a two-hour drive from the rural hamlet of Collins Center. While some may think that classic cars could only push 40 mph; we accept all vehicles including the muscle cars and the modern classic (they can definitely travel faster than 40 mph!)
Bring the family! We offer affordable lunch alternatives, a playground and kids get to vote for the kids choice award! (One lucky boy & girl will have the opportunity to win a prize for their participation.)
Our popular DJ spins the classics. Trivia is played throughout the event for prizes and the favorite basket raffle supports this event which is free) First 100 registered drivers receive a free Goody Bag. Trophies awarded for 1st – 4th place and Kids Choice.
So join us for some fun; because education does not have to be boring!
We will be located at the Collins Center Town Park; Corner of School St. & Collins Center Zoar Rd., Collins Center, NY 14035,
Trophies for 1st thru 4th place, Kid’s Choice & Best themed car! This year’s theme: Historic Route 66!
Date: (Rain or shine) Saturday, July 21, 2018