Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome British Car Day 2018

July 15, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
9 Norton Rd
Red Hook, NY 12571
Jim Nichol

ORA’s British Car Day is very low key, a chance for LBC owners to get together without any judging pressure and also to enjoy the Aerodrome’s vintage collections and show. The show is open to all collectable British cars. This year the show is on Sunday for the Aerodrome’s WW I show in honor of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW I. The show itself begins at 2 PM and ends around 4. It is recommended to arrive 3 or 4 hours beforehand especially if you’ve never visited before. There are a number of museum buildings with aircraft, autos, motorcycles, model airplanes, engines, and other various and sundry vintage exhibits. There is a snack bar with hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, etc. all fresh cooked and a snack area with popcorn, Italian ices, ice cream, etc., so food is no issue. You also are welcome to bring your own picnic if you like. Most other information can be found on the Aerodrome’s website, oldrhinebeck.org or email Jim at [ email us ]

When: July 15, 2018 10 am to 4 pm

9 Norton Rd.
Red Hook, NY, 12571

Cost: Adult $20, Senior 65+/Military $15, Age 6-17 $5, 5 and under-Free.

To Register: Click here for more information or call Jim Nichol at 845 518-5453 or e-mail us

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